The Music Gods (and Goddesses)

Old Bikes, New Year
It's been that kind of New Year...the good kind...fresh new energy, I'm starting a new job at a new studio and the music has been raining down on me.  It's funny how that happens.  Finding new, inspiring music can be very time consuming, especially when life is as busy as mine.  But, once I open the gate and start looking around, it seems to roll my way.  So, today's post is just a list...some are songs (new and old) that I've been using in class lately and some I just like, but am not sure if I'll ride to them.  I'm hopping off the bike and posting those anyway, because I believe a song might not be something you or I would use in class, but another one on the album might be, or it might just lead into something else...The rest are great (also "Off the Bike") albums that are on personal rotation on my iPod.  Oh, and I have to give credit for some of these to fellow bloggers, Facebook friends, real-life friends, and my sister, who just started teaching and is going to be a kick-ass instructor.  Ride on.

The Black Keys/Brothers (thank you for putting sex(y) back into music)
Mumford & Sons/Sigh No More (thank you for being smart, deep and unique)
G. Love/Lemonade (older, but sooo my groove right now)
Ke$ha/Animal + Cannibal ("hello, my name is Jen and I am a Ke$ha fan"
...took me a long time to admit it)


Anonymous said…
I have used many of these and love them. I've also picked up some great new songs from this list! Thanks for posting them!!!
Off the Bike said…
@Chrispins...So funny, I have been meaning to thank you for a while for linking me on your site....I just added you to mine and am looking forward to grabbing some songs from you as well! Happy New Year!
Jenn W. said…
Love your playlists! I've used a lot of these tunes as well. I found your site through Darcy's website. Here is my spinning blog:
I'm going to link your site to mine. Thanks :)
Fitnesszone said…
Music helps pass the time. If you are less than motivated. Check out the Proform Tour De France Bike from it has ifit which works with gps for custom road courses that links to Google Maps

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